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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Unit 4 Blog 2: A GOOD OLE CHALLENGE*dIioTUyy6KZobDqcoBlf_g.jpeg

A Good Ole Challenge

How often do you feel you challenge yourself on a daily basis? Most will say they do often, others will say not at all, which is totally fine don’t hurt yourself over it. So, for those of you who are reading or participating in my blog today, I hope that you are ready, because I am calling you out on this today (no hard feelings I love you all)!

I live in a generation where our era is so sucked into our phones or any other devices. When we are on these devices, what is the main thing that people around the 18-23 range like to do? Well, it’s quite simple everybody loves to be on their social media, because they are so sucked and drawn into what others have going on, instead of what they have going for themselves. I cannot personally say or agree that I am one of those people, because my phone percentage usage is lower than most people in my age range for a whole week compared to them for a whole day.

My point is, we talked about challenging ourselves throughout this entire unit, and we also gave a speech that everybody did phenomenal on! I was very impressed by the challenges that people had to take on, and I remember somebody giving up their phone for the whole Spring Break (God Bless you because I couldn’t and would never trust somebody that much). For me personally, I did the “Get Bored” challenge that was presented by Manoush Zomorodi, and mines was quite simple and complex.

For my challenge, all I had to do was find something to think about, which was very easy for me to do, and set aside 30 minutes free from distraction. This challenge was supposed to be the most challenging one, but then again it really depends on the person and how mentally weak that person is when it comes to needing their phone for reassurance. I will not describe what I thought about for those 30 minutes, because honestly it was quite personal, so I rather not share, but I felt better later the day after this challenge.

Why did I choose to do this challenge you ask? Well considering that I was going through some stuff involving school, I felt this was a perfect opportunity to get a long 30 minutes of no distractions and long yoga to better my inner thoughts and the inner body. I did have to restart this challenge due to calls coming from my family, which I needed to answer due to critical times, but I was ok with that.

My reasoning for talking about this is because I want to challenge you, the reader, to this same exact challenge. I am not a huge fan of the other challenges, and that is me saying that only because I didn’t do any of them 😊. But seriously, I think if you are up for it that you should try it out and give it a shot.

To conclude, I talked about the 30-minute challenge that I had to face and broke it down and analyzed the best way to be able to do this challenge. My overall long-term goal was to try to make you, as the reader, expand out of your comfort zone and really try something that you may not be familiar with, which is okay because nobody is judging you, but instead helping you experiment.


Oliver, Erik. “Bored and Brilliant a Few Weeks Later.” Medium, 28 Sept. 2017,

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