Hey Everyone,
This week in class we discussed why we choose to post pictures and the importance of what it means to post a picture. This concept goes along with our main topic of the class which is Meads theory of "I" and "Me" and how we view ourselves. When posting pictures there are a lot of different reasons why we could be posting a picture (which I will talk about later on) but for the majority of reasons we are mostly posting a picture or sharing something to somebody to try and make ourselves look good or to impress. When we are posting pictures or sharing memes and tweets to our friends, we are thinking about "is this gonna be funny"? or "how would people like this"? We post and share things for the satisfaction of how people will react to the things we share and post which has become a constant norm for social media in society today. This is a direct sign of Meads theory being the "Me", because we are posting and sharing things to make people see us or to get a reaction of others which is part of that "Me" that Mead talks about. This is showing that we are wanting to see how other people see us and we want people to see us as funny or having good taste in a picture we post which is exactly what Mead talks about.
We see this in social media as a lot of different social media influencers will post crazy or random things all over there feed to try and get reactions from there followers and other influencers to boost the "clout" of there name. One person who is really good at this is Travis Scott, he will post super random things on all of his platforms such as twitter, instagram and snapchat to throw people off or get his fans guessing about what he is doing. For Example:

Travis Scott is known for posting super random things and saying random things all over his social media. He will say random things like the last tweet on the picture from up above saying "who drew the first Santa Claus". Also for example on his instagram posting random pictures of the desert or just random images like cups, glasses, fans just super random things that nobody knows why or even understands. You have to wonder, why does he do this or what is the purpose for this outlandish photos? This is exactly what we were talking about in class this week as to why do we post and share the things that we do, and for Travis Scott I think it is definitely to gain puplisety and to gain more followers as it leaves people confused and wondering what is going on. He is doing this because of Meads theory of "I" and "Me" as he is only posting these pictures for the purpose of his followers and to see how people like him. I feel like this is exactly what most of us do with our social media cites as well. We are posting for other people and the likes and follows as to what we post, rather than posting the things that we just want to post because we want to ourselves. We do these things to impress the people of social media and try tp gain this "fame" that everyone is trying to get, rather than just posting and sharing the things we like and care about and not for the likes of others.
We can see that almost all the things we go through with social media lead back to Mead theory of "I" and "Me". We are trying to impress people and see how other people see and look at us which is the "Me" rather then just focusing on who we really are and want to be, to post and share the things we want that show people who you are and not who others see you. We do so much to impress others as to posting pictures and sharing memes and tweets just to get the satisfaction of others, when in reality its our own satisfaction we really seek.
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