How do we examine what is a good post towards a bad post? Do you care about how many likes and followers you have on your social media? These are two questions that are very important when regarding social media in today's world. Many people now a days are posting on social media on a daily basis regarding every aspect of their lives, but do their followers really care about what they are posting. Here's an example, a famous person who has million and million of followers on his/her social media, do you really think they care what you have to say in the comments. Well, the truth is, they don't. These people who have millions of followers do not have a direct contact with over 99% of the people who follow them, they don't even know them. So, when this comes to having a social media platform, is it all that important or is it more important to worry about the hand on relationships you have with one another in your personal life. Today, we are going to examine just that.
First, is social media all that good for your personal life? Well, there is two sides of the spectrum. One is it is good because you are "social media famous and everyone knows you." The other side is, "you care more about personal relationships within your life." Both sides, whichever your on, is fine to be, there is no harm done, but the first side says when your social media famous you have a bunch of friends and everyone loves you. That's not the case, there is haters everywhere with whatever platform you are on. These famous people who go "viral" for doing something crazy or being an athlete have no connections with almost all of their followers. This is the main problem with social media in my opinion, it creates a sense of social status and gives someone a platform when they really haven't done anything in their life. Social media gives people a place where they can go post their opinions on politics or anything they feel the need to do so, when they have no idea what they are talking about. The other side, is the people who really do not use social media on a daily basis or even do not use it at all. These are the people who make real connections by going out and meeting people in person. For example, when someone goes out to the bars or restraunts on a weekend, they go there to meet new people and have a good time. If your trying to meet new people and make real connections online, it is much harder to do. Now a days, it is hard to make these connections in person with this whole pandemic, but there is still lots of ways to do so.
Next, does it matter how many followers you have and how many likes you get? No, it does not at all. But we are in a day in the age where this is all that matters. The more followers and likes you get, the more popular you are. This is really the world we are living in where social media is bigger than personal connections. How do we conn
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