Hey Everyone,
In Society today we are taken over by this idea of capturing every moment we have and do in picture form. I don't think you can go anywhere in the world without their being at least someone in the room taking a picture of something, it almost feels like the way we communicate with each other now. Now the saying is true, "a picture says a thousand words" and we are the first hand response to that quote because everything we see and do must be photographed or video taped. We feel as though everyone should see what we are doing or where we are going through our pictures and this is the way to show people our lives. It's almost as though for proof or backup that what we are doing or where we are at is true in that we can show the people we care about or the people that follow you that, yes, I am at this nice place or doing all these fun things and you have to see it. But the question i've always had and thought about is, "does taking pictures of everything you go through or do take away from the moment itself"?
Now don't get me wrong, I think it is extremely important to take pictures of major events or things you know you want to go back and look at. But I feel that we have this sense of if we didn't get it on video or picture it never happened. I come from experience when I say some of the greatest moments I have made in my life have come without any pictures or "proof" of what I did. Going on crazy adventures with the boys or long parked car conversations with a girlfriend, even some family vacations and events there was no pictures taken and I could still tell you everything that happened even without a picture to prove it. I feel like what makes a memory special is when you are so invested in the moment that there is no need or time to stop and take a picture of whatever is going on, you are having so much fun and enjoying yourself that there is no need to stop what is happening for a picture because you know you'll remember it for the rest of your life. We get so caught up in what social media means to us and how it effects our lives that we feel like we have to share it all with the world, we see that other people post everything they do and see that it almost feels like we have to do the same. Society has this norm set out for us that you have to share what you do and see with the rest of the world for it to matter, when in reality as long as you remember what you did and had fun doing it, who cares what anyone else has to say about it.
Going off that point a little too is why do people care so much about another persons picture of where they are or what they are doing. We talked about in class how people get annoyed when they see someone on vacation and posting pictures of everywhere they are going. Why? We have so much hate and constant criticism in our lives with whatever we do. I have never understood how or why you can hate on so someones success or lifestyle when you are in complete control of your own. If you don't like seeing someone taking pictures of their vacation, well then unfollow them or work hard so that you can one day be able to do the very same thing. The way I look at those things is seeing all the cool places people are at and going and helps me see where I might want to go or be when i'm older which then helps gives me motivation on what I wanna do and where I wanna go. It is all about how you look at things and the way you wanna see it. Social media has fogged our minds with this notion of pictures and how much they mean to us, but like we talked about in class what would happen if you lost all those pictures and never got them back. I bet you would take more time to be in that moment and soak in that memory you are having and enjoy it rather then trying to take a picture to remember it all.
I do think pictures are important and they do help capture amazing moments in our lives that can help us go back and realize the good times in our life. But I think we should really live in the moment and take a step back from the pictures and realize its better to be in the moment and live it then try and capture it and relive it later. Remember that everything you do only happens once and you cant go back when its over, which is why it is so crucial to stop with all the pictures and let your mind be the picture so you can enjoy everything you do in life.
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