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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Bachelor Nation is Kind of Crazy

Photo retrieved from Craig James with Some Rights Reserved 

Crazy spreadable? 
... that sounds bad. 

In case you aren't cultured on "Bachelor Nation" 

abc has all of the responsibility for the creation of Bachelor Nation and I am going to assume that since you are reading this little ramble I'm doing about it then you haven't watched any of the following shows (plus their countless seasons) :

Lots of hyperlinks because you have lots to learn my friends. 
The term "Bachelor Nation" is used to describe those invested in the culture that abc has created. So to be a member you simply can be a fan of any of these shows or you could have been a contestant on one of the shows (or in some cases multiple). I could probably try to explain the context or outline of these shows but honestly, that's a lot of work and you probably would just be more confused. 

Social Media Makes it Crazier

"Spreadability" is the wide distribution and circulation of information on media platforms. This was a term coined by Henry Jenkins in his book Spreadable Media. Or so Wikipedia tells me... 
Bachelor Nation content has huge circulation on media platforms, the biggest one being... well... television. But in addition to that, the talk about the show(s) has reached Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. 


You know I never understood why people "live tweet" things but regardless of my opinion someone on my twitter feed still feels the need to do it. Maybe I could be wrong, and I'll check myself on Monday night when the bachelor is airing, but it's always "trending". Just to show you what I mean here are some of the tweets that appear when I searched "#thebachelor" on twitter: 

haha, this last one isn't as popular or "sharable" has the other ones obviously but has a proud Gryffindor I thought it was super funny. Notice how the one that has been most spreadable is talking about how Peter aka The Bachelor needs to be sent home. As I've watched this season and kept up with trending opinions on twitter I think I can conclude Bachelor Nation is over this season (personally I like Batchelor in Paradise more). 

But if everyone is over this season then why is content and talk about the show still happening, or in this case trending, each Monday night? 
I believe that spreadability comes with relatability. 
Since everyone can relate to hating on Peter, content is still getting created, liked, and retweeted. Because we as humans need to have other humans agree with us in order to justify our opinions. 


Oh youtube, a place where you can not only read the comments holding other's opinions but you can  w a t c h  them as well. Reaction videos are another way in which things are spread through media in our society - since watching and formulating ideas about content on our own is too difficult we can sit and watch what others have to say about it!

I am guilty of this. 

Batchelor Nation reaction videos are what I watch instead of watching the show sometimes, specifically Daniel's. But he now goes by PMO Productions. About a year ago he went viral on twitter for posting reaction videos he did to the season premiere of  Colton's season of The Batchelor.  Because of this and how "spreadable" the content is he was:
invited to the Women Tell All (a big deal in Batchelor Nation),
started a youtube channel which now has 21.4K subscribers,
has gotten at the highest 52K views on a video - but this depends and could've changed,
and now just started selling his own merch as well.

All because he decided to record himself watching the show and share opinions that people related to.


I'll try to keep this one short and sweet. 

Basically, this day's "influencer" on Instagram might possibly be someone from Batchelor Nation (who was on the show). As a dedicated watcher of this abc franchise trust me when I tell you that it has happened more than once where contestants come on the show, not for love but to have the opportunity to plug/ sell themselves or their "brand". 
But even these influencers...well... influence their opinions on us and help to increase the spreadability and popularity of the show. 

In conclusion 

All of the different media is slowly being taken over by Batchelor Nation (because it's crazy)
So accept the rose or don't accept the rose, but get cultured or get consumed by other's opinions. 

p.s. this is some recent news that is hitting Batchelor Nation, did not see it coming at all. 
wow... I'm just shocked. 

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