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Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Fresh Analysis on Filthy Frank

We’ve all heard of our good ol’ pal Francis of the Filth. Some other names you may know him by are Filthy Frank, Pink Guy (his altar ego), Papa Francis, or even Joji. So let me get right into it- Wait... What’s that? You don’t know who this dude is? The YouTube guy? You really don’t?? Okay... well I guess I can do a little summary.

Filthy Frank was first introduced to YouTube in 2013 under the channel ‘DizastaMusic’. If you don’t know what he got famous for, then i’m so sorry i’m the one who has to tell you. He and four other maniacs dressed up in like... morph suits? Yeah I think that’s what they’re called- And danced to the ‘Harlem Shake’ which- If you don’t know- was a horrible and meme driven song created when I was in junior high. These idiots danced really grotesquely and somehow attracted a terrifying crowd of pimple- faced, smelly, big foreheaded junior high children. This wave of kids flocked to this 36 second long video like flies on s*** and unoriginally mimicked its chaotic dancing and energy. Walking down the hallway, i’d see twelve year olds looking like they were having full-on seizures waiting by the door of their next class to be let in... When in reality they were just hopelessly trying to dance to the Harlem Shake. It was nothing short of horrifying.

So now that you have some ill background on just what this man can induce- i have the job of telling you all the other stunts he’s been able to get away with on YouTube somehow without getting (many)
 videos taken down. Sadly I can’t find a lot of worthy blogs or articles to reference... So i guess i’m One of the first people to really dive into the chaos behind Filthy Frank. I did find an Urban
Dictionary definition of this guy, I’ll add it in just to have it here. It doesn’t do a lot to explain the madness surrounding Frank’s videos or energy, so I guess i’m here to do that.

Let me explain why so many people flocked to this channel. To make it easier to understand, I’ll reference something I learned in Comp. 2. Have you ever seen ‘The Room’? If not- i’m so sorry you’ve never experienced it. It is to say at the least... a very slight form of “camp”. ‘The Room’ is a horribly made movie that breaks every rule cinema has... So why do so many people love it? Well apparently- the crowd that sh*tty cinema attracts is mostly made up of intelligent people. It’s something that’s hard to explain but I think the overall reason is that it is entertaining either when someone doesn’t give a f*** (Frank) or when something is unintentionally horribly bad (The Room). In Filthy Frank’s case of not caring what other people think- this energy attracts a crowd because in a way- I think all of us crave that feeling of not being able to care.

Within his videos, Filthy Frank does a short series where he reads YouTube comments from his haters for fun. This is one of the most entertaining ideas for me. He titles the videos, “LOSER READS
HATER COMMENTS” part 1, 2, 3, etc... And he finds the most rude and hateful comments he can find- which isn’t hard considering his anti-fan base is enormous but can’t compare with his fans. People will say things with horrible grammar probably because their anger reduces them from getting their point across clearly. Some examples are things like “I hate u u made my sister move to Iowa with my aunt for watching ur videos” or “k*ll yourself” or “i’m a weeaboo and im proud” or “anime is cool dont hate on anime”... And so on. It’s hilarious because everything Frank attacks has good reason to be attacked- then the fanbases of anime or furries or depressed people prove his point even
more that the people involved are stupid. This dude knows how to work.

So there’s been a theory floating around for a long time that Filthy Frank created his channel of chaos for publicity- so that when he wanted to become famous for his music career- it wouldn't be as difficult. This worked out extremely well somehow. He has left his Filthy Frank days behind him (I think officially ending his channel in 2016-2017) and slipped into his persona of Joji; a huge musical artist listened to by tons of people. It's crazy that he got this worked out so easily... Well he did stick with the channel for about four years... but other than that- if he did have this master plan to make himself famous by doing crazy s***- It worked extremely well.

If you haven't for some reason come across Francis of the Filth on YouTube yet- I'd recommend at least seeing one video. Just to understand the chaos.

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