Saving and sharing documents has always been something we have done as humans. We share because it's a way to keep in touch with others and family members. The sharing of experiences and events started with the use of diaries. What is now seen as such a private thing was once used to share events with other people? We see different forms of technology change every day into something new, while still having the same effects. After diaries, people started taking pictures and placing them in scrapbooks with stickers, loads of stickers. The more stickers the better. Then we got a little device that changing the world… our cell phone. This changes the game.
We now have these little versions of scrapbooks or whatever you may choose to call it with us twenty-four seven. We use our phones as ways to share information with others on the dot. We use it as a way to document the experiences we have while apart from our loved ones. This new wave of technology is changing the game while sticking to the same rules.
What does that exactly mean? Perhaps we as humans need to share experiences because we crave the attention. Maybe we are making up new ways to deal with our attention to sharing our lives.
The rules are changing things about social media and the sharing of experiences. We have created multiple social media platforms giving us the ability to share or stories differently.
Snapchat: The platform where you can send a little part of your day to one special person or you can share it with all your friends. Twitter: Where you can say what's on your mind while others say what's on there's. Facebook: It is a bit of both. a place for photos and comments, political arguments, and RIP post. Facebook is a platform for mothers and fathers, businesses, and the creepy man trying to sell his $1000 truck. Facebook comes close to the internet's black hole.
Instagram, however, is the scrapbook of our generation, people post loads of pictures with cheesy captions and emoji's.. AKA: scrapbook stickers. Digital photos are new to the crazy (look at me) cycle. Having a phone that takes digital pictures means you don't have packs of images, tucked away in a drawer that are still in the envelope they were sent home in. We didn't get away from this totally now out pictures sit in the camera roll 6,000 pictures up never to again be seen.
Just about everyone these days has an Instagram account even babies have accounts. I blame it on the millennials. New mothers have created social media accounts for their 1 to 2-year-old children and the reasons behind those decisions.In an article from today they discuss a couple of different responses to the ideas of having Instagram accounts for there children.
One reason behind the decision of Lily Silvia when creating an Instagram account for her son was because she wanted a separate identity from her son.. her one-year-old son. Lily also didn't want to keep clogging her social media account, her exact words were she didn't want him “hijacking” her page. One mother didn't agree with Lily's reasoning. She disagreed because she was worried about embarrassing her kid in 13 years. Reasonable? I would say so.
This leads me to wonder if child social media pages could be dangerous? Kidfluncers is now a thing.. a scary thing. Parents are now more concerned with there identity on social media that they are will to manage an account for there children.

If you thought things were crazy now, just wait because it gets worse... Now mothers are making Instagram accounts for their unborn children and on top of that, they're commenting on Instagram pages as if they were born or texting from in the womb where they could understand English and have a grasp on grammar. Not to mention they would have to understand the mechanics of Instagram, social media, and technology. What has the world come to?
Another social media influencer, Temitope Adesina, displayed her baby bump to her 236,000 followers. According to The Sun she displayed her baby bump in an ad for the moisturizer brand Palmers. After the picture went live there was then comments from the unborn baby on the mothers post. The Baby said, “Mommy, is that me?” The mother then responded by saying why yes it is. The comments sparked controversy.
The madness continues when the [air quote] baby [air quote] posted on her Instagram feed, saying hi to her mother and saying how she couldn’t wait to me her beautiful face.
There was a lot of backlash on the Instagram post, people were saying that social media is a sickness. Others were on the side of the mother and saying that it's just as if she were to talk to her baby, she is now just doing it over social media. Implying that we have been doing the same action as always we just now do it over the internet. It become more public this way and leaves lots of room for opinion.
This all just seems crazy to me, there is such a vast idea on what social media is and whether it is good or bad. Some parents see social media as a way to interact with there children before they are born, others see it as a way to make money while some parents don’t even allow their children to have social media until their children are practically adults.
There is however a pattern developed with the individuals who chose to post there children on social media, money is the motive. Its an extra source of income, a way to find sponsors who give you money for a post, while doing so on different age ranges.
Ultimately all of the people on Instagram are choosing to share something. Which brings us back to diaries and scrapbooks. The thing we used before we got to carry literally everything we need in a little electrical box tucked away in our pocket. That just might be the biggest difference. We carry in our phones a scrapbook that millions can see, that brands can see. Our phones ultimately function as our scrapbook only it does even more. By allowing you to share and make a profit off of your pictures and experiences. It's changed the game but it stuck to the same rules.
Some people still enjoy sharing their children with their loved ones and in some cases was random people. They are proud of their little creation and they think they have the best baby. But we have to ask ourselves.. has social media made it to easy to share? We are at the point that we are now speaking to unborn children.
have we been dwarfed into money-hungry, social climbing, willing to put our kids in danger to reach new heights? It's no longer about the innocent scrapbook pictures and stickers, diaries about your vacation, it's about climbing the social later and doing anything it takes to get there.
Social media well eventually throw out the rules and change the game completely.
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