Do you post everything?
There can be many different situations and opinions of others and what they choose to post on their social media. No one can escape the world of capturing memories because we are all victims of doing it. We talked about this a little bit in class. We took a look into our camera roll and saw they pictures that we took. We had to ask ourselves if they were there to post or just for us just to have? It was a mixture of both. Is there a point where people should just put their phones down and just enjoy the moments of life... or be sad without having the whole world know what is going on in your life? Both ways could be beneficial to someone but it is all about perception. I do believe that a lot of the times, people do take pictures and put them on social media to be able to look back at them as a memory. This has become that we as kids do so that we don't lose our precious memories that are being made with friends, family, or by yourself.
Lindsay Dodgson
I personally find it very pleasing when you can go on with life and you forget about a certain memory and you scroll through your feed and see that picture that you posted a long time ago and it brings back feelings that you had during that time. Although some kids do this, majority of the older generation uses things like scrapbooks and things of that nature to display the memories that they pursue.There are many different ways that all of us can share images or keep images to look back at and reminisce on all of the good times that we once had in the past. These are all good examples of memory work.
Is there a point where we need to draw the line of posting. everything on social media? I think this is an open ended question because different people have their own opinions on this topic and the arguments could be all over the place. BUT, for the people that follow you, it can be annoying to see every little thing that has happened in your life. For example, not everyone needs to see what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday or see you post going to the bathroom. Even worse, posting very personal things or just nasty things about your significant other that obviously shouldn't be online for everyone to see. I recently saw an angry post from my friend saying, " You don't have to post every time you are out drinking, we get it you are drunk." This is exactly what I am talking about. Every now and again it is okay but not every single time.If you do this, I HATE YOU. Just kidding, but for real, there are things that that just need to stay between you and your phone and no one else.
Another topic that can be controversial is the posting of some ones passing. This can be for a famous person, a loved one , or even someone that you may not know. This can be personal information to some, but to others they may like to express their feelings to everyone on their social media because they might not have many people to share this information with, so their only option is to post so that they feel that they have let their emotions out instead of having them bottled up. In my opinion, it is okay to post in some extent. Obviously posting some ones dead body is not respectful in any aspect. However, I think if you post pictures from the past, then it is okay to do so. I did this. Both of my grandpas passed away in the same week a couple of weeks ago. So of course I posted about it. Not so that people would feel sorry for me but to show everyone how great they really were and how much they meant to my family and I. Not everyone is going to agree with this and that is okay. I know people that say that we shouldn't be posting about someone passing but it happens to everyone and at the end of the day, we have to do what makes us feel happy and accomplished. taking pictures or posting is good for coming back minutes, days or years after the picture was taken to bring back the good times but also the bad times that happened in your life. The way you go about it might not be how others see it. This goes back to the point where it all depends on of you worry about what others think and the people that don't are the scary ones.
I personally find it very pleasing when you can go on with life and you forget about a certain memory and you scroll through your feed and see that picture that you posted a long time ago and it brings back feelings that you had during that time. Although some kids do this, majority of the older generation uses things like scrapbooks and things of that nature to display the memories that they pursue.There are many different ways that all of us can share images or keep images to look back at and reminisce on all of the good times that we once had in the past. These are all good examples of memory work.
Is there a point where we need to draw the line of posting. everything on social media? I think this is an open ended question because different people have their own opinions on this topic and the arguments could be all over the place. BUT, for the people that follow you, it can be annoying to see every little thing that has happened in your life. For example, not everyone needs to see what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday or see you post going to the bathroom. Even worse, posting very personal things or just nasty things about your significant other that obviously shouldn't be online for everyone to see. I recently saw an angry post from my friend saying, " You don't have to post every time you are out drinking, we get it you are drunk." This is exactly what I am talking about. Every now and again it is okay but not every single time.If you do this, I HATE YOU. Just kidding, but for real, there are things that that just need to stay between you and your phone and no one else.
Another topic that can be controversial is the posting of some ones passing. This can be for a famous person, a loved one , or even someone that you may not know. This can be personal information to some, but to others they may like to express their feelings to everyone on their social media because they might not have many people to share this information with, so their only option is to post so that they feel that they have let their emotions out instead of having them bottled up. In my opinion, it is okay to post in some extent. Obviously posting some ones dead body is not respectful in any aspect. However, I think if you post pictures from the past, then it is okay to do so. I did this. Both of my grandpas passed away in the same week a couple of weeks ago. So of course I posted about it. Not so that people would feel sorry for me but to show everyone how great they really were and how much they meant to my family and I. Not everyone is going to agree with this and that is okay. I know people that say that we shouldn't be posting about someone passing but it happens to everyone and at the end of the day, we have to do what makes us feel happy and accomplished. taking pictures or posting is good for coming back minutes, days or years after the picture was taken to bring back the good times but also the bad times that happened in your life. The way you go about it might not be how others see it. This goes back to the point where it all depends on of you worry about what others think and the people that don't are the scary ones.