Bullies or Misunderstood 
Houston Astro's Game (Facebook.com)
At one of the Recent Houston Astros games a tic toccer that goes by the name Jakielabonita made claims that two women that sat behind her at the game made fun of her and hurt her feeling in a tic toc video she posted. The video blow up overnight and started a controversy, most people have taken Jackie's side and began to bully the two women involved as payback. But others have taken the other two women's side, they have been identified as Lizz and Alondra. They claim that they were not bullying her and it was just a miss understanding and they do not deserve the harassment. Who do you think is right? Is this a classic case of mean girls or a big misunderstanding?
Houston Astro's Game (Facebook.com) |
At one of the Recent Houston Astros games a tic toccer that goes by the name Jakielabonita made claims that two women that sat behind her at the game made fun of her and hurt her feeling in a tic toc video she posted. The video blow up overnight and started a controversy, most people have taken Jackie's side and began to bully the two women involved as payback. But others have taken the other two women's side, they have been identified as Lizz and Alondra. They claim that they were not bullying her and it was just a miss understanding and they do not deserve the harassment. Who do you think is right? Is this a classic case of mean girls or a big misunderstanding?
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