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Monday, May 8, 2023

Project topic: Being on social media - Does it affect our mood or self-esteem?

Social media today is deeply embedded into our everyday lives. Because social media is still a recent phenomenon to humanity, we have yet to fully understand what it does to our minds. One thing is obvious that aa people continue using social media more frequently in their lives there is an increase of mental health issues in society affecting mood and self-esteem. It has become a growing concern as more news about its potential effects social media has on mental health, self-esteem, and mood is produced proving that it is a popular topic. Humans are social creatures, so it makes sense why it is easy to indulge in connecting with each other virtually at almost any time of day. In this review a quantitative and qualitative analysis will be done analyzing the amount of time spent on social media among young adults ages 20-25 to see if it has any connection to a decrease in mood or affects self-esteem. g the amount of time spent on social media amoung young adults ages 20-25 to see if it has any connection to a decrease in mood or affects self-esteem.

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