Covid- 19
As all of you know , there is. Pandemic that has recently been going around the world called the corona virus or Covid-19. This has become something that has taken over many countries across the world and has come so fast and so unexpected that is all seems like a movie. The first known outbreak was discovered in Wuhan, China, where someone ate a bat (supposedly) from these wet markets that are never really a safe way to buy and eat any maps because it is a unsanitary market where a bunch of nasty animals are stacked on top of each other and sold to the rich people from China. With all of this going around, many people are relating it to SARS or the swine flu which had killed around 50 million people when first took its course. What scientists and people don’t want to be like it the Black Death or otherwise known as the Black plague Black Plague . If so, it will change the way a lot of us will do things and alter the way we live, in the future to come. Some reasons that the Black Plague was so deadly was partly because of the climate change, which is happening to us in today’s society, and that froze fresh crops that were being grown which left millions of these people with nothing left to eat and led to murdering of nobles for food. This can be related to people in this day and age where people rush to the stores and buy out all of the food and this leaves people without essentials to live, and there’s no for sure but it could lead to people becoming hostile and agent and making bad choices to get the stuff that they need. They are worried that social and economic change will take a drastic change once this starts to be over. Even before this , China and the U.S did not get along because of trumps new unforced and this seems to only be making it worse for all of us. The new wave of robotization is coming. Whether it be restaurants, stores, factories, and pretty much all businesses they are all starting to reduce labor cost and starting to use digital advantages to do work instead of having people work in stores . They also are going back to the pre industrial ways and now are getting used to doing the work from home aspect and this could be something that may continued to happen even when this whole pandemic blows past us. This could the start of businesses just using robots instead of using actually people which seems too futuristic and is a little bit scary. The next thing that I would assume would be changing in the future that is happening right now but also I feel like this is going to be something that will be a social norm. When we used to greet people , we go up to them and either hug them or we give them a simple handshake and that was just a normal thing that everyone did when you first meet someone or just when you meet up with friends or family members. When the virus passes and we can go back to normal ( whenever that will be) I think that just sending everyone back to the "normal" will just be off and everyone will be afraid to go hang out with people and would be afraid if people are getting too close too each other and things will just be off for a while. I hope one day we can overcome what is going on and I advise people to stay inside and away from big crowds so that the virus does not spread and their won't be as many as thee other diseases and we can overcome this once and for all.
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